
New To Netflix February 2020: Horror, Mystery, & Thriller Content

There’s a bunch of new content that dropped in January and February, so today, we review what is the worst to the best for Horror, Mystery, and Thriller content. A new grading scale is presented in this video, let me know what you think of it instead of a top 5 list!

There are a total of 8 films, so stick around and find out what is the best to watch on the streaming giant and what to avoid. We examine old thrillers like Raising Cain and What Lies Beneath, classic horror gems like Evil Dead and Tremors while looking at the new mysterious content like Horse Girl and the Girl on the Third Floor while keeping you far away from horror shite like a Nightmare on Elm Street remake and Polaroid.

We tried a new editing tactic too, love to hear feedback. Was there something else that dropped in these categories in January and February that we should have discussed? Drop a comment below and tell us how we screwed up!

Sexy Evil Genius

Poster for Sexy Evil Genius

Poster for Sexy Evil Genius

I was strolling about Netflix the other night, looking for something new and original (after watching the dreadful Paranormal Activity 4, don’t judge me, I wanted something horror related, & we all know how shitty Netflix’s Horror picks can be). I was rolling through the recently added section and saw an attention-grabbing title: Sexy Evil Genius. I read the synopsis: four strangers realize they’re all ex’s of a conniving, certifiably insane, seductive woman who gathers them at a seedy bar in the deep of L.A. It’s categorized as an Indie comedy, drama, mystery film. And it undoubtedly hits every category incredibly well. Continue reading

Sleepy Hollow (2013 Fall Premieres)

Sleepy Hollow Poster

Sleepy Hollow

This Fall Fox has something new worth watching. Are you a fan of horror? Are you a fan of mysteries? What about time travel? How about men with accents and long luscious locks? Well, if you enjoy any of those things along with classic timeless tales, Sleepy Hollow on Monday nights at 9 p.m. will be totally up your dirty stone alley.

Sleepy Hollow is chock full headless puns, but hey they’re to be expected right? They also have some very creative ways to show decapitation as well. Including the Headless Horseman loosing his head, there are a total of 5 heads being lost in this pilot episode, but they are all well placed and creative. Some of the transition scenes are pretty innovative and can be appreciated at a whole new level for network television. I applaud the extra effort that went into the filming and setting structure that went into even just this pilot episode. They treat it nearly like a Hollywood blockbuster with some of the brilliant shots. Continue reading

Chinatown: the Backbone of Many Animated Crime Mysteries

Chinatown Poster

Chinatown Poster

Whoa, hey there guys, it’s been awhile since I posted so I figured I’d upload a review I recently wrote for a class, so here are my thoughts on Chinatown.

In 1974 director Roman Polanski created the perfect crime-mystery drama that would bring a man to tears: Chinatown. In this instance, it was a woman who was brought to tears, since I am a female, but you still get the idea. Continue reading

Bates Motel is Creatively New, Yet Respectful to the Original

Last night, March 18 at 10:00 p.m., A&E premiered Bates Motel, what seems to be a modern day take on the teenage years of Norman Bates which is splendidly nerve-wracking and intensely  spine-tingling.

Going into the pilot episode I was expecting it to take place during the same time era as the movie, which may have been the 1960s? (I have scoured the internet and can not seem to find the answer, so if you know the time period of Psycho tell me in the comments!)

It’s not until I see Norman with an iPhone that I realize, OH! It takes place today! I would have never realized this because the first 5 minutes of the show is very nineteen-sixtiesish. The car that Norman and his mother own seems nearly identical to the iconic car in the original film. Continue reading